Register as a Network Member
Si Yuan Network is a community of worldwide acupuncturists sharing Si Yuan’s values and dedicated to a high quality of Balance Method practice.
Network Members are symbolized by the Water trigram with no red lines.
All Network members enjoy the following benefits:
- Access to the Si Yuan Practice Platform
- Access to a private Facebook group with exclusive educational content and support from the Si Yuan Core team.
- Access to Si Yuan’s international referral list
- Discounts on special Si Yuan events
If Si Yuan learns that the practitioner is not adhering to Si Yuan Balance Method teachings and values, the practitioner’s membership is subject to temporary or indefinite interruption.
How to Apply?
Please set up the recurring annual payment of 99€ or a recurring monthly payment of 9.99€
This fee covers the processing of your application, the maintenance of Si Yuan’s referral list, and supports the publication of educational content. All fees paid are non-refundable. Practitioners may cancel their registration at any time by email. Si Yuan reserves all rights to cancel the practitioner’s registration and remove them from the list at any time without justification.
Please make sure you have all the following documents ready and legible:
- Certificates of participation
- Letter of introduction and motivation
- Photo ID or picture